Main Objective and Activities

Swadhyay Mandal Vedic Research Institute. Founder: Brahamarshi, Padmabhushan, Pandit Shripad Damodar Satavlekar.(1867-1968) Year of Establishment: 1918

Main Objective and Activities

Main Objective

To promote the well-being, co-operation, growth, progress and prosperity of the entire humanity in general and Indians in particular, by propagating moral and spiritual values and the philosophy of right action as laid down in the Vedas, allied Vedic literature and Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.

To promote inter faith and inter philosophic dialogue with emphasis on basic moral and spiritual values and complementarity of scientific and spiritual approaches towards a common goal.

To promote ecological balance and environmental protection through enlightened management of natural, human and animate resources as enjoined in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. [Sarva bhoota hite ratah.]


Research and promotional activities

Conducting research in Vedas and allied literature. Comparative study of different faiths, cultures, scientific and spiritual approaches. Holding seminars, conferences and training camps. Spreading Vedic and ancient cultural ethos consistent with modern times. Helping seekers of information and guidance.

Sanskrit education

Propagating Sanskrit language through home study courses. Setting up Sanskrit teaching institutes. Conducting Sanskrit examinations. Preparing Sanskrit learning – teaching course materials.

Publishing texts and translations, of Vedas and allied literature. Publishing periodicals. Publishing Sanskrit learning / teaching course materials. Publishing E-Books. Maintaining web-site, Internet network for dissemination of knowledge and information, for dialogues and discussions.

Yoga and Health

Setting up yoga training and practising centres. Conducting Yoga training camps.
Promoting Ayurveda, Panchkarma, naturopathy and alternate therapies. Setting up centres, clinics for this purpose. Preparing and marketing Panchagavya medicines.


Encouraging protection, preservation and profitable maintenance of Indigenous cows. Setting up Goshalas, Gobar-gas plants and centres for producing manures, fertilizers and harmless pesticides.

Agriculture, Forestry etc

Promoting healthy and profitable agricultural and irrigation practices. Conservation of rain-water. Growing local medicinal plants and setting up herbaria.

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